Indulge your car with asic wash anytime you want. Our team will take full care of your car, wash it with mild shampoo, vacuum the interior and clean it completely.
We know you love your interior to be clean, as you spend most of the time inside the car. It’s always a good oportunity for a big cleanup of your seats, dash and more.
Nothing to do with Polish people, we love them. This package includes all sorts of paint correction, cut and polish, ceramic paint coating and protection.
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What we can offerOUR PROMISE

We’re a car wash service and detailing team aiming to get your car look the best ever. Get to know and meet us and see why we’re the best choice for you.
Easy service booking
Professional staff
Modern detailing tools
Flexible pickup hours
Coffee waiting break
Service guarantee

Taking care care of your car to the next levelSERVICES

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Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas for state of the art service.


Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits with customer convergence.


Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas via scalable service solutions.


Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical strategic theme areas via accurate markets.
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Book your visit nowSTART DETAILING!

We have the experience, the knowledge and the flexibility to be your partner today, and in the future. Let’s get together and share our love with cars.
Working hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM – 8PM
Weekends: 8AM – 2PM


    Pille Alle 2, Frederiksberg
    +45 255 563 72

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